My 100 Days in Mobile Photography and Still Can’t Believe the Outcome of My Photos

My 100 Days in Mobile Photography and Still Can’t Believe the Outcome of My Photos


If you have been following me on my blog or other social media accounts, you may have noticed that my photos were mostly produced by DSLR or rather they were  images from my action camera. I have a smartphone, too,  but I was not enticed to  use it  for my travel photography because it was not able to produce photos that reached the level of my standard, the worthy to be uploaded-kind. But everything changed when I got my Huawei P9. Initially, I never believed smartphones could do what DSLR could,  but with the advent of technology and phone application nowadays, smartphones can  now produce good quality photos. Just like Huawei P9 which has a dual camera with superior lens partnered and co-engineered with Leica.  What could be better than this? Right?

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